Friday, 18 September 2009

Alas! I have returned . . .

Since I returned from Romania most of my time has gone into researching and creating new artworks. The themes remain the same, I am still encaptured by the idea of re-discovering the everyday, however, I am now working directly with the materials that I have spend a great deal of time observing.

These are some pieces of finished works produced earlier this year. Cement and steel are featured in the pieces and they have been carefully manipulated using various techniques and additives to produce a range of different results.

Monday, 12 January 2009

Another new work

Saturday, 3 January 2009

New Year!

For New Year I planned to go with Bea, Aline and Santa to Skopje in Macedonia but when we reached the border at Serbia, Aline was told that she couldn't enter unless she paid 70 Euros! She could have maybe afforded that but who knows what she might have to pay on the way out! . . . So Aline and Bea got of the train to embark on a new adventure while me and Santa began ours!

We spent the day in Belgrade but it was really cold and we hadn't slept much on the train due to the lack of heating. Even with all of our clothes on we were frozen stiff! And the train station proved to be an exciting experience when someone tried to pickpocket me! . . . Luckily I had moved my passport into my bag some minutes before and I reacted quickly so they didn't get their paws on my purse! . . . But when a man in the pub started banging on and kept telling us not to go to go to Albania (We told him several times that we were going to Macedonia but it didn't make much difference) and telling me all that all Scottish people don't like Welsh people, my temper span was levelling red and rage got the better of me! However, after some wine I was ok! And we ended up having a laugh with him and his mates! Everytime he remarked upon something he said "excuse me!, eck-scoose me!" and he said to me "you are like Lady Di (Dee), excuse me"! Wow! that got noted right in the book!

We made it to Skopje ok but with a slight hangover as there was a big party on the train! . . . And not enought places for everyone! The conductor wasn't too pleased about our marinated cabbage that was rolling around on the floor either!

Skopje was lovely. We couch surfed with some really kind people and they looked after very well! Hogmany was good! I saw the fireworks in the square then Dejan introduced me to his friends and we partied until morning!

Next day we went for a walk up the mountain (that apparently isn't a mountain so maybe it's a rock) and took in the views! How fortunate! . . .